Ralph Wilson Stadium

Ralph Wilson Stadium


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

What is this blog about?

If you haven't already guessed, this blog is about professional sports. More specifically those that are played in North America. This will include the NHL, NFL, NBA and MLB as they are viewed as the top four leagues in the continent. I will be providing insight on current events, stories and issues that are of interest to me from all four of the leagues. The perspective will be from a 20 something Canadian male who is obsessed with sports at the professional level. 

Professional sports are going to be the area of focus because there always seems to be some sort of action going on even when the season has concluded. Teams relocate, rules get changed and players make headlines whether it be for the right or wrong reasons. Being the huge sports junkie I am, I tend to have opinions on a lot of these topics.

I like nothing more than to sit down with someone and talk about sports until the cows come home. Unfortunately, that someone is not always available. Lucky for me there are such things called blogs where I can express my thoughts and feelings to the entire world. In turn, I hope to gain some feedback from people with similar interest and differing opinions in order to shed some light on other perspectives that I may not be aware of. This will hopefully generate some in-depth conversations and keep me informed on all the latest news in professional sports.

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